Nomadic Ant’s fearless leader travels, wanders, discovers, hustles, gathers, and delivers. She’s a diehard Smiths fan who gets down road tripping locally and not so locally. Favorite places on earth include Thailand, Burma, Nepal, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Colombia. Oh, and that lovely little place called Chicago. Current favorite Ant pieces include the Colombian horn designs and Tanzanian wood bracelets and rings. She likes very long walks across the city searching for live music, old Chicago haunts, and the fellow human beings who appreciate both. Chat her up at the store or a street fest – she’ll love you long time!
Visit Suzanne’s Travel Blog

Brother of Missy. Lord high Ant organizer. Jazz aficionado. When he’s not finding homes for every piece of Ant jewelry, Tim plays in a whole buncha Chicago bands. His current Ant faves include the new collection of rhodium and gold plated rings – the RG 100’s if you will. (Yes, ladies, he has most of the jewelry SKU’s memorized) When he DJ’s Nomadic Ant’s BYOVinyl Night, you’ll be treated to the likes of Duke Ellington, Cannonball Adderley and Rahsaan Roland Kirk. Jazz + jewelry = just what the doctor ordered.