William Steffey and I met back in our high school years and he has been writing music for as long as I have known him. I was often in charge of driving members of Go Figure (one of the bands he played with during the years at Deerfield High) down to Rogers Park where they were invited to play at Roy’s (now Red Line Tap) despite the fact that none of us were of legal age to be at the bar. The music was, to the patrons of that establishment, far more interesting and important than our ages and the show always went on to a welcoming and supportive crowd. Way to support young musicians, right? Thank you to 1990’s Rogers Park!

These days William Steffey is working on multiple projects. His company Roadstar Design created the Nomadic Ant website, and he continues to nurture Kaleidoscope, an ongoing music, math, & nature project. In addition to all of this great stuff, he heads up the band Boolean Knife who will be playing their Dogstar Release Show on Saturday, September 29 at Lizard’s Liquid Lounge.  I heard a rumor that Timothy Koelling who is featured playing sax on the Dogstar single might perform that night too!

From today through Septemebr 29, anything you purchase on Nomadic Ant using code dogstar29 will receive a 15% discount as well as a free digital download of the single. We hope you will check these guys out and join me at the show Sept 29. Oh, it’s also bass player Mike Koelling’s 40th that night and I hear there will be a meat raffle! Hope to see you there!

RSVP for the show