
I decided to challenge myself to write a blog everyday this month that has something to do with food. I don’t consider myself a foodie or a great writer and am definitely not a serial blogger. I’m just a traveler with occasional access to wifi trying to document what it is that I do every year wandering around countries while I escape the cold Chicago winter. It seems to me that what I think about, talk about, and anxiously await most often during my travels, is eating.


We travel from place to place looking for rooms, arranging onward  transportation, sorting visas and taking clothes to be laundered (when we think of it), seeing sights and connecting with locals. Punctuating all of these things and certainly for me the most important act we engage in every day is eating.


When you travel for a few months at a time, it is often the most quotidian events that seem to fill the days; you drop off your kilo of clothing to be laundered and somehow you feel like you’ve accomplished something monumental.  You purchase a bus ticket for your next destination and you have the feeling you deserve to reward yourself for the hard work. When those items have been checked off the travel task list we are left with copious amounts of time which we must learn to fill with some significant activity. For me, this activity is eating.


I decided to try to write daily for the next month, and the topic is eating because it is something we all do daily unless we are ill or fasting. 😉 I want to investigate how what we eat when we travel is different from what we eat at home, and how food and the eating culture varies in the countries I visit.